

x2 weighted golf sleeves per pack Suitable for all golf clubs Can help to increase stroke distance, muscle strength and flexibility The perfect aid for a warm-up, or to k...
Get instant feedback on your putting stroke and alignment Portable and easily transported, ideal for checking your set up on the green Use the centre line to ensure your b...
48" model (40" also available) Head weight improves kinetic sequencing in the swing Strengthens core golf muscles Great low-impact stretch for Pre-round warm-up...
40" model (48" also available) Head weight improves kinetic sequencing in the swing Strengthens core golf muscles Great low-impact stretch for Pre-round warm-up...
Eliminates the need for a practice net Can help to correct slices and hooks  Can be used with Drivers, Hybrid & Irons Features a rubber based hitting mat with ta...
For use with Pure2Improve Swing Speed Trainers available HERE A great training aid for improving on your golf swing speed Can also develop the muscle groups whic...

Pure2Improve Swing Speed Trainer

Code: P2I641920
A great tool for adding speed and distance to your swing speed without ever needing to hit a ball Can be used interchangeably with all Pure2Improve swing speed weights Thi...
Size: 210 x 210 x 120cms Includes 4 ground pegs and a carry bag Ideal for use at the golf club or in the garden 60 cm diameter target in the middle - ideal for chipping p...
Scientifically designed with a Parabolic curve design, to simulate real putting conditions Automatically returns the ball on good putts while rejecting missed putts P...
Size: 21” x 8” See instantly how your shoulder and body alignment impact your putting stroke using the centre lines and grid on the mirror Minimum set up...
Reflect on how shoulder and body alignment impact the putt using the centre lines and grid on the mirror Minimum set up with maximum benefits to putting skills P...
Size: 12” x 7” See instantly how your shoulder and body alignment impact your putting stroke using the centre lines and grid on the mirror Minimum set up...